Offering you the support you need when you need it

Not all businesses are created equal and not all business owners need the same levels of support. HNB has created three tiers of support so you can get the help you need.




Discounts from EPC for refurbished Computer Equipment

10% Discount

15% Discount

20% Discount

x% Additional discount for next item

Live and previously recorded On-line webinars and related, by HNB and others

Special Reports items of current opportunities or interests

Access to library of general business videos, reading material & useful links

Information provided by HNB affiliate universities affecting their local community

Eligible to apply for a 50/50, matching grant ($500 max) within each two-year period **

HNB in-person and/or virtual webinar, seminar, and/or workshops

Access to a consultation from an industry expert or virtual business mentor.

Inquire Today

If you’re a small business owner that is looking for help getting your business started or taking it to the next level, let us know and one of our HNB Associates will contact you.